Life is tough. There always seems to be something challenging us to the point that we question why G-d would do such a thing to us. How do we manage when we face such obstacles?
The answer lies in this week's Torah portion, Balak. There, we learn about Bilaam, an evil prophet who was hired by Moabite King Balak to curse the Jewish people. Bilaam knew that everything comes from G-d, including his ability to curse the Jewish people and channel destruction down upon them. Even as he traveled to the mountaintops to carry out the task for which he was hired, he continued to ask Hashem for permission to curse the Jewish people. Ultimately, G-d forced him to bless the Jewish nation, and some of his blessings would go down as the most profound in the Torah.
This story highlights the simple truth that everything comes from Hashem. Even when difficulty comes your way, it's part of G-d's plan and serves a purpose that is possibly beyond comprehension. We must focus on our part and continue to move forward in our mission, and when we do, then G-d will transform the seemingly "curses" we face into blessings.
Hashem loves us and wants only what's best for us; when we know this, the challenges we face become less daunting, and we are empowered to overcome the obstacles, using them to propel ourselves to new heights.