
How passionate are you?

Friday, 26 July, 2024 - 11:42 am

 Where is your passion? The answer to that question speaks volumes about who you are. While we often do various things and wear many different hats, our passion uniquely reveals our essence. So, while many in our community might say they're proud of being Jewish, the truth can be seen in how they live their lives. Their willingness to take action even when others won't is the true expression of our passion, our core. 

This week's Torah portion, Pinchas, emphasizes the importance of action. We learn about Pinchas, a man who took action when others froze because, as the Torah says, "he was passionate" about his faith in G-d and G-d's Torah. While others claimed to care about upholding Jewish faith and tradition, he demonstrated commitment through his swift response to the events around him. Pinchas knew that talk is cheap, and a passion for Jewish life meant being bold when others failed to do so. 

Today, we are in a crisis, with challenges threatening our homeland and our people worldwide. We are being asked to step up and take action when so many seem set against us. How we respond to this moment will determine how passionate we are about our Jewish identity and the survival and success of Jewish life. 

Talk is cheap, and actions speak louder than words. So each of us must ask ourselves and demand of ourselves to step up and show the world the integrity, joy, and pride in who we are. The beauty of passion is that it's contagious, so let's reveal it within ourselves and watch it spread to others. 

Mission: Reveal your true passion for your Jewish identity by acting even when others won't. Then, let your passion ignite others.

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