
We cried, we mourned; how do we keep going?

Friday, 6 September, 2024 - 7:53 am

 It has been a week of grief, a week of pain, a week of mourning. So many thoughts and feelings are pulsing through our veins this week; it is overwhelming and even paralyzing. How do we stay strong and resolute? How do we find the courage to push forward and not crumble under the weight of our emotions? If that's not enough to deal with, we seem to be alone on an island, with no one in the world empathetic to our plight. 

The answer lies in this week's Torah portion Shoftim. There, we learn about how we wage war against an enemy. The Torah says anyone faint of heart should return to their home because you can't be victorious if you're afraid. So severe is this directive that a statement was declared at the start of every battle asking them to go home. Any weakness in our resolve and determination would spell disaster and defeat, so everyone had to be 100% confident in their ultimate success. Where did this resolve come from? How was it possible in the face of ruthless enemies without respect for human life? The answer was and remains simple: remember how you got here. G-d redeemed you from Egypt, brought you to Israel, and made you the nation you are today. If you keep this fundamental truth in the forefront of your mind, even when we face painful moments, they won't destroy us; our faith will carry us onward and upward.  

Our dear brothers and sisters who've been held hostage have demonstrated incredible faith and courage in the most hellish environments. We owe it to them to keep fighting and standing tall for the truth, light, and love. We must not back down for a moment. Now more than ever, we will show the world the true power of a Jewish person and why we've survived for thousands of years. 

Let the memory of our holy brother and sisters inspire us to live more proudly and joyfully Jewish than ever before, and may G-d avenge their deaths and bring comfort to their families, and may we soon see the culmination of all our prayers with the coming Moshiach speedily, Amen!

Mission: Remember them, live for them, and fight for the truth for them. Join us for our "Israel - What Do We Do" event next week to learn more. 

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