Not the Yom Kippur we had planned, but one we will never forget.
With our Chabad house uninhabitable, we moved to services to our home, with only limited power for kol nidrei. At 10:30pm we were blessed to have a commercial generator from the Governor’s office that gave us lights and AC for the rest of YK. While most of our community has yet to return to Tampa from their evacuations, dozens of people came by over YK as we were the only physical prayer services in South Tampa. Yes, we were tired physically and mentally and emotionally drained, but our prayers were pure and undoubtedly received by our Heavenly Father. The joy of our limited breakfast, which Dina concocted from thin air, is proof of our indomitable soul.
Now on to Sukkot!! #tampastrong #chailife #bendbutneverbreak
Please continue to support our Hurricane relief efforts as we work to help our community get back on its feet
Rabbi Mendy Dubrowski