Chabad CHAI serves the learned and the non-observant, the affiliated and non-affiliated, young and old and everyone in between. We reach out to all who are in need and assists them with their financial and emotional needs as well as serving the community at large by offering programs and classes for all ages. From toddlers to seniors, all have a place and feel welcome at here.

We are committed to strengthening Jewish identity, unity and commitment. We cannot do this alone. We count on support from people known for their benevolence, sincerity and sensitivity to the needs of all mankind.

Chabad CHAI is funded locally by people like you who benefit and respect the outreach efforts of our organization. 100% of funds donated are used here in Tampa to support our activities. We are not supported by any central office.

There are many ways to help Chabad CHAI's outreach efforts.

  • Donate Time - Help us strengthen Jewish awareness by sharing your time and expertise with us. Please click here to tell us more about how you would like to volunteer and help make this community a better place for all.
  • CHAI Circle - Your monthly investment will help you feel a greater sense of connection and involvement in Chabad's ongoing activities. Your ongoing support will help us find greater stability as we grow our organization.
  • One-Time Donation - Donate towards a specific department or cause, and those funds will be earmarked directly to the program of your choosing
  • Auto Donation - If you are planning to purchase a new vehicle in the next few months donating it to Chabad of South Tampa can bring you a greater value on your tax return. Your tax donation value would be evaluated based on while selling it on the open market may bring you 30-40% of that value.
  • Real Estate Donation - You may have real estate that has depreciated in value. You can get the full appraised value for that real estate even if you couldn't sell it for that amount.
  • Appreciated Stock - Due to the shifts in the market over the past year you may have appreciated stock. Donating (transferring) the appreciated stock directly to Chabad of South Tampa helps you avoid capital gains tax while getting you a donation credit at 100% of the stock value.
  • Airline Miles - Donating airline miles or AMEX award miles or similar award programs is now considered a charitable contribution eligible to be deducted on your taxes. For this or for information on any other contribution please contact me.
  • Matching Grants – If you work for a large corporation or are required to give to United Way through your company your contribution may be matched by your employer. Chabad of South Tampa qualifies for these matches because of some of our social program.

The real value of your contribution is above and beyond the cash value, as your dollars are directed to helping us achieve our mission to share the joys of Jewish life with the Tampa community.

In the merit of your generosity, may you and your family be blessed with health, happiness and success in all you do.
Rabbi Mendy & Dina Dubrowski

Feel free to email or call 813.922.1723 if you need more information on any of the above options. This information is not intended as tax advice. A competent tax advisor should be consulted.