
CHAI Circle

  • The CHAI Circle are a group of donors who form the foundation for Chabad's success by donating every month, in multiples of $18.

  • Here are some of the benefits of investing monthly in Chabad CHAI:
    1. It allows you to make a larger investment over the course of a year, then one might be able to at one time.
    2. It gives you the donor, a sense of connection with Chabad and the work we do, on an ongoing basis.
    3. It gives Chabad greater financial stability, and allows us to budget properly, so we can help more people in our community.

    Your information will be securely encrypted and manually charged every month. You retain full control to stop, increase, or decrease your contribution at any time.

    Call Rabbi Mendy for more information about our major donor groups:
    SHAREHOLDERS - ($150 monthly or $1800 annually)
    PARTNERS - ($416 monthly or $5,000 annually)

    On behalf of the hundreds of beneficiaries of Chabad CHAI’s numerous programs, we thank you!

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