
Positivity Bias

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  • Lesson 1

    Optimizing the Turbulent, Transient, and Transitional Periods in Life

    How do we handle situations that disrupt our schedules, obstacles that block our path forward, and sudden emergencies that force us to put our lives on hold? This class offers an insightful perspective that empowers us to optimize how we approach these periods of turbulence, transition, and transience.

    Lesson 2

    Developing a Positivity Bias

    Few of us are fully aware of the biases that shape our experience of life, and we seldom pay attention to the default frames through which we see the world. Some seek to remedy these biases by trying to calibrate their perspective with a more objective view. This class explores how we can better serve ourselves and others by adjusting our vantage points to seek out only the positive in ourselves, in others, and in all of life’s experiences.

    Lesson 3

    Developing a Good Eye

    Would it make a real difference if we followed the maxim, "See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil"?Does changing our outlook on others merely effectuate change within ourselves, or could it somehow affect others as well? This session introduces a potentially life-changing teaching about how we can impact those around us for the better.

    Lesson 4

    Does Positive Thinking Really Help? 

    It would seem like sage advice to always assume the worst. This way, you would be pleasantly surprised when things work out and never disappointed when they don’t. This session makes a case to the contrary, exploring the logic and dynamics behind the spiritual power of positive thinking.

    Lesson 5

    Oy or Joy: The Ultimate Cure

    When crisis befalls, our first instinct is to let out a sigh of oy. Paradoxically, according to kabbalah, we would be better off jumping for joy. This session explores the power of joy as a remedy for spiritual blockages, both personal and collective, that impede the flow of heaven’s abundant blessings.

    Course launching June 23rd, 8 - 9pm
    Course Fee: FREE Suggested Donation $25
    LIVE on ZOOM  

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