At Chabad Chai - South Tampa we take a unique approach to Bar/Bat Mitzvah training. Our focus is not on memorizing a long Service that will become a burden on your child, rather our emphasis in preparing B’nai Mitzvah is to foster an awareness that this milestone is only the beginning of Jewish life.

Because we believe that the most important event in the life of a young person should be more than just rote memorization leading up to an anxiety-ridden recital of the Torah. It needs to be an uplifting and positive experience that this young adult will carry in their heart with joy and pride for the rest of their lives.

We offer weekly group learning sessions for our B.M.D. (the Bar/Bat Mitzvah Division of Chai Family Academy) as well as private tutoring, scheduled to accommodate today's demanding lifestyle.

To discuss our different Service Options, schedule a Bnei Mitzvah date, or discuss costs, please contact Rabbi Mendy at 813.922.1723 or at [email protected]