
Roving Rabbis

Jonny & Dor are making waves in Tampa’s Real Estate community...

...but when the Roving Rabbis knocked on their office door, they stopped and made time for a wave spiritual connection. 
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Phili just graduated from Cornell and moved to Tampa for a great job...

...As a new guy in a new town Phili was so excited to meet our Roving Rabbis, who invited him over for Shabbat dinner, helped him put on Tefillin and place a Mezuzah.

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Lili is from Argentina, Israel and now Tampa. Lili loves everything about Jewish life and culture... imagine her delight when the Roving Rabbis showed up at her home with fresh, homemade Challah. 

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Robert Jonas has been in Tampa for many years, but never found his place in the Jewish community...

...until the Roving Rabbis met him on Kennedy Blvd. A Mitzvah and a smile later and Robert is on his way to joining the Chabad Chai family. 

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Phil has been living in Tampa for more then 30 years...

...and thoroughly enjoyed the passion and commitment of the Roving Rabbis. 

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Levi and Yisroel got a tip on two Jewish Lockmsiths...

...After a little phone tag, we tracked them down and another Mitzvah on the day.
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David Glasser might be a young teenager, but his wisdom is beyond his years...

...After an intriguing discussion about Jewish philosophy, David put on Tefillin for the first time in years.  

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Joel is largely homebound, due to his health... Levi and Yisroel made a house call and helped him affix a Mezuzah on his door. 

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Meeting Steven

 What a great evening learning with Steven Shapiro, we explored the weekly Torah portion together, and gave him a homemade Challah to enhance his Shabbos. 

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Yisroel and Levi are here from Brooklyn, to hit the streets and spread the joy of Jewish life across the city of Tampa. Feel free to stop them, and do an extra Mitzvah today! 

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